French Government Disowns Pro-Armenian Resolutions

FRANCE - A session of the French National Assembly in Paris, on April 13, 2021.

France’s government has distanced itself from French parliamentary resolutions accusing Azerbaijan of military aggression against Armenia and urging Paris to consider imposing sanctions on Baku.

One of the resolutions was unanimously adopted by France’s lower house of parliament late on Wednesday. It demands the “immediate and unconditional” withdrawal of Azerbaijani forces from the “sovereign territory of Armenia” occupied by them during the September 13-14 heavy fighting on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border.

It also calls on the French government to seek an international inquiry into possible Azerbaijani war crimes and to “consider the imposition of personal economic sanctions should the attacks on and occupation of sovereign territory of the Republic of Armenia continue.”

The French Senate approved a similar resolution on November 15. It said President Emmanuel Macron’s government as well as France’s “European allies” should consider “confiscating assets of Azerbaijani leaders and placing a ban on the import of Azerbaijani gas and oil.”

The French Foreign Ministry was quick to make clear that “this parliamentary initiative does not represent an official government position.” It said Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna expressed that position on Tuesday when she urged Armenia and Azerbaijan to make progress in ongoing peace talks.

“It was in this spirit that President Macron met with the Armenian and Azerbaijani presidents in Prague [on October 6,]” the ministry added in written comments to the press.

FRANCE - French Foreign and European Affairs Minister Catherine Colonna leaves following the weekly cabinet meeting at the Elysee Palace in Paris, October 26, 2022.

Azerbaijan again condemned French lawmakers on Thursday, saying that their declarations are undermining peace efforts in the region. The Foreign Ministry in Baku said the latest resolution is further proof that France cannot act as an honest broker in Armenian-Azerbaijani negotiations.

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev pointed to the French Senate resolution last week when he objected to Macron’s participation in his next meeting with Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian which was scheduled for December 7. Aliyev said the meeting will not take place because Yerevan insists on Macron’s presence.

The Armenian government did not officially react to the French National Assembly vote as of Thursday afternoon.

Citing France’s “unique links” with Armenia, the French lower house also called on the government to increase economic aid to the South Caucasus nation and “look into the strengthening of its defense capabilities.”

A delegation of France’s Armed Forces Ministry visited Yerevan in late October to explore the possibility of deepening French-Armenian military ties. The ministry issued no statements on the results of the visit.

France is home to a sizable and influential Armenian community.