Former Armenian Leaders May Hold Crisis Talks

Armenia - Former Presidents Serzh Sarkisian, Robert Kocharian and Levon Ter-Petrosian.

Three former presidents of Armenia may meet soon to discuss grave security challenges facing the country, members of their entourage said on Wednesday.

Ishkhan Saghatelian, an opposition leader, called for such a meeting on September 13 the day after Azerbaijani forces reportedly attacked various sections of Armenia’s border with Azerbaijan.

He said former Presidents Levon Ter-Petrosian, Robert Kocharian and Serzh Sarkisian as well as the supreme head of the Armenian Apostolic Church, Catholicos Garegin II, and other “influential figures” should “gather around a table” and discuss ways of “getting the country out of this situation.”

“There have been meetings for this purpose in different formats, and I hope that there will be a visible result soon,” Saghatelian told RFE/RL’s Armenian Service on Wednesday.

Saghatelian is a leading member of the main opposition Hayastan alliance headed by Kocharian. The latter has not yet publicly commented on the possibility of the crisis talks with the two other ex-presidents.

Eduard Sharmazanov, a senior member for Sarkisian’s Republican Party of Armenia (HHK), made clear that the HHK leader is ready for such a meeting.

“The sovereignty and independence of Armenia has been jeopardized by and because of its current inept rulers,” said Sharmazanov.

There has been no public reaction so far from Ter-Petrosian, who had served as the country’s first president from 1991-1998.

Still, Ter-Petrosian held a rare meeting with Garegin on September 18. He received Arayik Harutiunian, the Nagorno-Karabakh president, in his Yerevan residence two days later.

The three ex-presidents, who have a long history of mutual antagonism, already met in October 2020 during the Armenian-Azerbaijani war in Karabakh. They discussed jointly seeking greater international -- and in particular Russian -- support for Armenia. The initiative did not translate into concrete action because of what they described as a lack of cooperation by Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian.

Also, in the run-up to the June 2021 parliamentary elections, Ter-Petrosian proposed that the three ex-presidents set up an electoral alliance to oust Pashinian and then immediately retire from politics. Kocharian reportedly rejected the idea.