Armenian, Iranian FMs Again Discuss Regional Security

ARMENIA -- Armenian Foreign Minister Ara Aivazian (R) meets with his Iranian counterpart Mohammad Javad Zarif in Yerevan, January 27, 2021

Foreign Ministers Ara Ayvazian of Armenia and Mohammad Javad Zarif of Iran had a phone call over the weekend, reportedly discussing relations between the two neighboring states and regional security.

According to the Iranian Foreign Ministry, they “expressed their pleasure at the growing trend of reciprocal ties in various fields and underlined the two countries’ resolve to further develop cooperation in all areas.”

A statement released by the Armenian Foreign Ministry similarly cited Zarif and Ayvazian as praising the Armenian-Iranian relationship “anchored in centuries-old friendship” and reaffirming their governments’ intention to deepen it.

“The interlocutors touched upon issues of regional security and stability,” added the statement. “They both stressed the importance of coordinated interaction in addressing new challenges facing the region.”

The Armenian ambassador to Iran, Artashes Tumanian, met on Monday with Mojtaba Zolnour, the chairman of the Iranian parliament’s committee on national security and foreign policy.

In a statement on the meeting, the Armenian Embassy in Tehran said Tumanian discussed with Zolnour the situation and “possible developments” in the region after last year’s war in Nagorno-Karabakh. It said they agreed that closer bilateral ties are good not only for Armenia and Iran but also regional security.

Zarif reaffirmed Tehran’s desire to continue seeking closer relations with Armenia after the Armenian-Azerbaijani war when he visited Yerevan in late January as part of a tour of Russia, the South Caucasus and Turkey. The chief Iranian diplomat also voiced strong support for Armenia’s territorial integrity, calling it a “red line” for the Islamic Republic.