Press Review reflects on the charges of falsifying evidence brought against the former head of an investigation group probing the deadly 2008 post-election violence and a ballistic expert in the same case. “It means a heavy crime was committed as evidence of the use of the army and possibly of murders was destroyed. Vahagn Harutiunian, who led the investigation at that time, was later promoted to higher posts and acquired property. It turns out that his criminal activities were duly evaluated by the authorities of that time,” writes the online paper, adding that Harutiunian reportedly fled Armenia amid anti-government protests last spring and said he would not return if the then protest leader Nikol Pashinian became prime minister.

“Zhoghovurd” suggests that the revelations by the Special Investigative Service (SIS) about Harutiunian come as no surprise, “since there has always been a speculation over the past decade about this man’s being a key figure responsible for the cover-up.” “And it was expected that he would be charged with a cover-up. But it turns out that Harutiunian went further and falsified evidence. Naturally, he did all that not on his own, and the SIS will still have to establish on whose orders the former investigator was acting. After all, the main part of the investigation proceeded during the years of Serzh Sarkisian’s presidency. Let’s hope that the SIS will find answers to these questions,” the paper writes.

“Hraparak” writes: “Members of the former ruling Republican Party of Armenia (HHK) have found themselves in a difficult situation. It turns out that the failure of the amendments to the Electoral Code will first of all boomerang themselves. HHK leader Serzh Sarkisian put party members in an awkward situation – a condition has been set to them: those who want to be on the candidates list should also be nominated on so-called regional lists and participate in individual races, including representatives of the so-called political wing of the party – Armen Ashotian, Eduard Sharmazanov and others who have so far secured their parliamentary mandates due to the money spent on elections by ‘rating’ candidates.”

(Lilit Harutiunian)