“Zhoghovurd” says that the margin of victory of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian’s My Step alliance in the September 23 municipal elections in Yerevan was unexpectedly huge. “Hardly anyone believed that it will get over 81 percent of the vote,” writes the paper. “By the same token, nobody believed early this year that Nikol Pashinian will succeed in carrying out a velvet revolution in Armenia by forcing Serzh Sarkisian to step down and ousting his HHK from power. My Step won as a result of absolutely free and fair elections. There were no incidents, no fraud, no vote bribes, no use of administrative resources in the September 23 elections and all election contenders accepted their official results.”
“The people thus voiced support for Pashinian’s government,” continues “Zhoghovurd.” “At the same time they gave him the carte blanche to dissolve the parliament and hold fresh elections of the National Assembly.” The paper says that the incoming Yerevan mayor, Hayk Marutian, should use this massive popular support with “great care.” “He must work very hard in order not to disappoint people.”
“Zhamanak” reports that former President Robert Kocharian has filed a libel suit against Pashinian. The paper says that it is not yet clear which statement made by Pashinian is considered slanderous by Pashinian. It notes that news of the libel suit was announced immediately after the municipal elections in Yerevan and Pashinian’s decision to start discussions with political forces on snap general elections.The paper says that Kocharian may be trying to cheer up the HHK and possibly other parliamentary parties opposed to the elections.
(Lilit Harutiunian)