Press Review

“Zhamanak” disagrees with assertions that recent independence referendums in Iraqi Kurdistan, Spain’s Catalonia region and other parts of the world bode well for a pro-Armenian solution to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. “Catalonia and Iraqi Kurdistan cannot be a precedent for Karabakh,” the paper says. “Neither can, from the Azerbaijani perspective, Crimea, Abkhazia or South Ossetia, which are cases rejected by the international community. We won’t discuss motives and evaluations. At any rate, they are extremely subjective.”

“Our strength probably lies in the notion that [ethnic] conflicts around the world are not identical and therefore cannot serve as an example to each other,” continues “Zhamanak.” “That approach ensures a much less vulnerable and a much easier, in terms of room for foreign policy maneuver, situation for Armenia because Armenia does not have to side any parties to other conflicts.”

“Zhoghovurd” claims that the Armenian authorities expect to receive large-scale economic assistance from the European Union after signing the Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement (CEPA) with the EU in November. “For that purpose they have started flattering European officials, expressing their gratitude for the assistance provided to date. That assistance includes cooperation with the EU during the [April 2017 Armenian] parliamentary elections … The authorities are used to asking for money for the implementation of one or another program but that funding does not always serve its purpose. And when donors demand reports on the use of their money the authorities immediately go on a counteroffensive.”

“Haykakan Zhamanak” says that socioeconomic factors are the main reason for a continuing out-migration of people from Armenia. “In essence, the key to Armenia’s development lies in cutting off the direct link between [migrant] remittances, economic growth and out-migration,” writes the paper. “All we have to do is to ensure a qualitative change in the economy. That in turns means radical reforms of management of the economy, a de-monopolization [of the economy,] a separation of business and politics, a reduction in the scale of corruption, and greater efficiency of the judicial system.”

(Tigran Avetisian)