Press Review sees widespread popular distrust in Armenia’s main political groups, which it says is fraught with a major destabilization of the political situation. More and more Armenians, says the online journal, are inclined to take matters into their hands when it comes to expressing discontent with the state of affairs in the country. A “social revolt” is therefore becoming more of a real possibility, it says.

“Hraparak” wonders what President Serzh Sarkisian “thought about his people and country” during his long summer vacation. “How can he take rest at a time when there are so many accumulated problems in our country?” the paper asks in an editorial.

“Zhoghovurd” reports on a UN-sponsored opinion poll which found that most young Armenians would like to leave their country. The paper says Prime Minister Tigran Sarkisian should have been trying to address the root causes of this sentiment instead of visiting and having fun with members of a pro-government youth movement last week.

“Zhamanak” blasts the leadership of the Armenian parliament for installing an expensive air conditioning system in the National Assembly’s main auditorium. The paper says the money spent on that could and should have been used for other, more pressing needs. It argues at least half of the parliament deputies are wealthy businesspeople who could have easily sponsored the refurbishment financed from a World Bank loan to Armenia. says President Sarkisian was right to lament the existence of a gloomy public mood in the country. But it says Sarkisian did not say who is responsible for that “stale atmosphere.” “Serzh Sarkisian should ask this question to himself,” writes the publication. “The authorities themselves formed the stale atmosphere when they shamelessly lied to citizens during the presidential election campaign, when the Yerevan municipality spread false information about the size of salaries, when all officials from the parliament speaker to the prime minister lied by constantly assuring citizens that everything is alright.”

(Anush Martirosian)