Press Review

“Chorrord Inknishkhanutyun” is scathing about a war of words between the Armenian government and the parliament’s Audit Chamber. “Both conflicting parties are right,” writes the paper. “The government is relentlessly plundering the country and this is an absolute truth. But it is also true that those waging a shadowy struggle against the government are just as corrupt. It’s just that they do not have sufficient levers at the moment. This is a mere fight for the redistribution of property.”

“Zhamanak” dismisses Energy Minister Armen Movsisian’s assurances that a possible transfer of the government’s 20 percent share in Armenia’s gas distribution network to Russia’s Gazprom giant carries no risks. The paper claims that Movsisian is not qualified to have a correct understanding of Armenia’s national security and threats to it. “Of course, there is no danger for Armen Movsisian,” it says, adding that Gazprom has gradually gained control over the ARG network during his decade-long tenure.

“Zhoghovurd” says that a planned increase in Armenia’s minimum national wage will have no impact on living standards in the country. “It is merely an opportunity to show that the authorities are concerned about the socioeconomic plight of the people and are now taking steps to alleviate it,” writes the paper. It argues that only a very small percentage of the population will see their wages rise as a result. “According to official statistics, about 160,000 people in Armenia get a minimum wage. Of them, 70,000 work for state structures and 90,000 for private companies. But even these figures should be taken with a pinch of salt. It is not a secret to anyone that there is usually dual accounting in private firms. In order to avoid many tax obligations private firms prefer to show in their records that they pay workers a minimum wage.”

“Haykakan Zhamanak” reports that Prosperous Armenia Party (BHK) leader Gagik Tsarukian has co-authored a book titled “Sports Encyclopedia of Armenia.” “Gagik Tsarukian wrote a stunning book,” the paper comments with sarcasm. “It is amazing that the Armenian Writers Union has still not reacted and bestowed any literary title on Tsarukian.”

(Karlen Aslanian)