Press Review

“If we look at our various-level elections held in our country in the last 15 years we will notice a primitive system,” writes “Zhamanak.” “Their conduct follows this pattern. At first, the whole team strives to hold clean elections. For that purpose human, financial, administrative, psychological and propaganda resources are mobilized … But there is also a force majeure scenario when it becomes clear during the campaign that the results will not be encouraging.” The paper says this leads to the launch of a “Plan B” involving various types of electoral fraud. It says there is also a “Plan C.”

“In this case, they immediately forget about democratic norms, promises given to international structures, a sense of shame, and a real war gets underway,” continues “Hraparak.” “A war for keeping [government] posts, a war against their own people.”

“Zhoghovurd” is disappointed with the absence of face-to-face debates between Yerevan Mayor Taron Markarian and his opposition challengers in the municipal election campaign. “But as was the case in last year’s parliamentary elections, the [governing] Republican Party (HHK), whose members love talking about shouldering political responsibility, have done everything to avoid a manifestation of that responsibility in the form of a public debate,” writes the paper. It says such a debate would have exposed Markarian’s ineptness and mismanagement of the city.

“Zhamanak” comments on Prosperous Armenia Party (BHK) leader Gagik Tsarukian’s Thursday remark that he has “moral obligations” only to the people. This is construed by the paper as a message to former President Robert Kocharian and former Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian.

“Hayots Ashkhar” says the BHK is making a serious bid to gain power in Yerevan. The paper reports that BHK activists bused scores of mostly elderly people to Tsarukian’s rally in Liberty Square on Thursday. It scoffs at the BHK’s anti-government rhetoric saying, that Tsarukian’s party was part of the government for five years.

(Tigran Avetisian)