Press Review

“Aravot” says that unlike President Serzh Sarkisian’s inauguration, opposition actions in Yerevan on Tuesday were unpredictable and dramatic. The paper suggests that only “the inauguration of a new Armenia” was planned by opposition leader Raffi Hovannisian beforehand. “That is Raffi Hovannisian’s style,” it says in an editorial. “Since his movement is popular he has to abide by the people’s will.” The paper says that ever since 1992 opposition protesters in Armenia have wanted to attack and seize the presidential palace in the capital because they believe that would solve the country’s problems.

“With his actions yesterday Raffi Hovannisian looked like he is keen to show just how one must not engage in politics, whether they are in opposition or in government,” writes “Hayots Ashkhar.” “If this is really what he wanted then that is the only thing which he managed to do. Passionate, emotional and at times fragmented calls, contradictory statements, and the inability to manage the crowd that rallied at his own request. This is the full content of Raffi Hovannisian’s arsenal that was manifested yesterday in the afternoon and evening.”

“Hraparak” blames the Armenian police for the violence. “Once again the ceremony of our president’s inauguration took place under the protection and with the support of police truncheons,” writes the paper.

“Raffi Hovannisian has dealt a blow to both his movement and his personal reputation,” writes “Zhamanak.” “The personal reputation was important. With his image of a nice guy he was quite appreciable to the considerable part of the society. His image resources made up for a fairly large gap between Raffi Hovannisian and the public in terms of the political text. It served as a bridge between a society brought up in a Soviet-Russian environment and a man who hails from the Western civilization and who has still not become, in the classical sense, a true resident of Armenia.” The paper says that his chaotic, poorly organized and somewhat irresponsible actions on April 9 may have caused irreparable damage to that bridge.

“Zhoghovurd” criticizes President Serzh Sarkisian’s remark that the outgoing Armenian government has created “favorable conditions” for the work of his new cabinet that will be formed in the coming weeks. The paper says the remark was in line with Sarkisian’s earlier hints that there will be no major personnel changes in the government as a result of the February 18 presidential election.

(Aghasi Yenokian)