Press Review

“Hayots Ashkhar” condemns opposition candidate Raffi Hovannisian’s latest campaign statements attacking President Serzh Sarkisian and his government. The paper says Hovannisian “feels quite comfortable in a black-and-white world.” “‘We and they,’ ‘Serzh’s and Raffi’s Armenia, ‘a fight between good and evil.’ This kind of statements have become a part and parcel of his vocabulary,” says the pro-Sarkisian daily. “Does the Zharangutyun [party] leader understand the meaning of the words uttered by him? Most probably not.”

“Judging from Serzh Sarkisian’s behavior, not only does he not write his speeches but also does not read them carefully,” claims “Zhoghovurd.” “Otherwise, he would have remembered his own grandiose statements and pathetic promises made in those speeches.”

“Aravot” says opposition presidential candidates turn down media invitations to public debates because President Serzh Sarkisian will not take part in them and because they are too arrogant towards each other. “Generally speaking, arrogance does not make anybody look better,” editorializes the paper. “In the case of presidential candidates it becomes a double-edged sword. When you tell your opponent who the hell he is it is only natural that your opponent will reply in the same fashion.” The paper says Armenian media only contribute to the resulting war of words between. “And the candidates lack the prudence or experience to say in response to our minor provocations, ‘This is the view of my respected colleague, and we all fight for democracy, a free expression of views’ and so on.’”

“Zhamanak” reports on a libel lawsuit filed by former President Robert Kocharian and his son Sedrak against the news website affiliated with it. The Kocharians are seeking 5 million drams ($12,300) in damages for what they say was a defamation of character. “This is being done in the context of Kocharian’s [political] comeback,” claims the paper. “The possibility of that comeback is being constantly discussed. Furthermore, it is already clear that his comeback is being discussed not only by his supporters and sympathizers but also the radical wing of the opposition. The authorities, for their part, realize that there are many objective reasons for Kocharian’s return.” The paper concludes that the ex-president has not changed ways since leaving office in 2008.

(Tigran Avetisian)