Press Review

“Haykakan Zhamanak” says jokingly that a brief tour of food stores in Yerevan would leave one with the impression that “almost everyone in Armenia believes in the end of the world.” “This is illustrated by the fact that people are spending their last money to buy food and beverages,” explains the paper. “Non-perishable goods such as dried meat and fruits, smoked sausage and the like are in particularly high demand. But some claim that this is preparations not for the end of the world but the Armenian New Year.”

“Iravunk” asks Ruben Tadevosian, a senior member of the Republican Party of Armenia (HHK), to explain why top representatives of the Prosperous Armenia Party (BHK) were not invited to the HHK’s weekend congress in Yerevan. “We don’t have a grudge against anybody,” says Tadevosian. “We have worked with all political forces and we work with them if there is common ground for such work or if our objectives coincide in terms of being understandable to the public.” Tadevosian hopes that there will again be such convergence between the HHK and the BHK in the near future.

“Zhoghovurd” says President Serzh Sarkisian may face no serious rivals and score a “Pyrrhic victory” in the February 18 presidential election. “This could be considered an unprecedented phenomenon in Armenia’s history because presidential elections here have taken place in a more than tense atmosphere since 1996,” comments the paper. It also notes that the only party (except the HHK) that has explicitly voiced support for Sarkisian’s reelection is Orinats Yerkir, the junior member of the ruling coalition.

“Hayots Ashkhar” expects that opposition leader Aram Sarkisian will not announce his presidential candidacy at a congress of his Hanrapetutyun (Republic) party in Yerevan on Friday. The paper says that there might be surprise developments at Saturday’s congress of the Armenian Pan-National Movement (HHSh), the most important of the parties remaining in the Armenian National Congress (HAK). HAK leader Levon Ter-Petrosian is expected to attend the HHSh gathering and possibly clarify his electoral plans.

(Aghasi Yenokian)