Press Review

“Hraparak” asks Defense Minister Seyran Ohanian to explain why General Arshaluys Paytian, a recently sacked deputy chief of the Armenian army’s General Staff, has not been prosecuted yet in connection with alleged abuses in meat supplies to army units, which triggered a criminal investigation last month. Ohanian refers the question to military investigators and says he has already punished Paytian by firing him. He says at the same time that the main culprits in the corruption case (i.e., other military officers) have already been prosecuted.

“Zhoghovurd” says that President Serzh Sarkisian needs to not just win the upcoming presidential election but to do so in a convincing and legitimate way. According to the paper, Sarkisian, whose 2008 election was marred by bloodshed, knows better than anyone else what it is like to lack legitimacy. “And whereas in 2008 the extent of Serzh Sarkisian’s legitimacy was determined by Robert Kocharian, through [the deadly crackdown of] March 1, almost everything is in Serzh Sarkisian’s hands right this time around,” it says. “He will seek to do everything to ensure that he is as strong and independent as possible during his second term.” Armenia is facing more serious external challenges than it did in 2008 and only a legitimate government can meet them successfully, concludes the paper.

“Zhamanak” says sweeping constitutional changes proposed by the Prosperous Armenia Party (BHK) are a mere political ploy devised by Gagik Tsarukian and Robert Kocharian for furthering their political agenda. The paper claims that either they or Serzh Sarkisian have breached understandings reached in the past. “Nobody knows [who has deceived whom] because nobody was present when they reached agreements.”

“Hayots Ashkhar” reports that the Armenian National Congress (HAK) said on Thursday that it is ready to join in multi-party talks proposed by the BHK provided that they touch upon a broader political agenda, including the holding of joint street actions. “In effect, the HAK is proposing the BHK to discuss the organization of a [promised HAK] rally that has never materialized,” comments the paper.

(Aghasi Yenokian)