Press Review

“Zhamanak” says that corrupt practices decried by President Serzh Sarkisian at a weekend cabinet session are commonplace in Armenia. “There are abuses everywhere. Does this mean they are going to arrest everyone?” asks the paper. “If not, who will be arrested? With what logic and principles? It will be strange if they do not arrest anyone. After all, what was that show staged by Serzh Sarkisian all about?” Armenians should therefore expect the arrests and prosecution of at least several senior government officials, predicts the paper.

“Chorrord Inknishkhanutyun” claims that if Serzh Sarkisian does not display consistency on this issue and ensure such prosecutions it will be a grave mistake that will cost him the presidency.

“Hraparak” quotes Petros Makeyan, a dissident member of Levon Ter-Petrosian’s Armenian National Congress (HAK), as not ruling out the possibility of a joint presidential candidate fielded by the opposition alliance and Gagik Tsarukian’s Prosperous Armenia Party (BHK). Makeyan, who heads the small Democratic Fatherland Party, says that Ter-Petrosian and the more than a dozen opposition groups aligned in the HAK have been acting “on different planes” since last spring. “It was Ter-Petrosian who decided to start a dialogue with the government, cooperate with the BHK and so on,” he says. “Of course, some of the parties are silently accepting the leader’s policy.”

“Our misfortune is that our national elite is oriented only towards its personal interests,” writes “Hayots Ashkhar.” “In the West, they mostly join government in order to do something socially significant and only then go to business and turn their political resources into financial ones. In our country, as a rule, they go to power in order to realize personal financial interests … And the society accepts that calmly.”

“Aravot” attacks Henrik Ter-Adamian, a judge at the Armenian Court of Appeals, for banning journalists from photographing and videotaping court hearings on a controversial criminal case against former Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian and his Civilitas Foundation think-tank. “Not because state secrets will be presented during the hearings but because he thinks media outlets are wrongly covering the proceedings,” says the paper.

(Aghasi Yenokian)