Sarkisian Due To Attend Tehran Summit

Iran -- A banner of XVI Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement in Tehran to be held from 26 to 31 August 2012, 22Aug2012

President Serzh Sarkisian will reportedly fly to Tehran this weekend to attend a five-day summit of the Nonaligned Movement, a loose grouping of 120 nations in which Armenia has an observer status.

More than 40 heads of state and hundreds of high-level diplomats are expected to take part in what will be the largest international event held Iran in more than a decade.

The Iranian Mehr news agency quoted the Armenian ambassador to Iran, Grigor Arakelian, as saying on Thursday that Sarkisian will also be in attendance. The Armenian presidential press office did not confirm the information, though.

Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad sent a formal summit invitation to Sarkisian through his energy minister, Majid Namjou, who visited Yerevan in June. It is not clear whether the two leaders plan to meet on the sidelines of the gathering, which the Islamic Republic will try to use for burnishing its image tarnished by international sanctions.

Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliyev is also due to participate in the summit despite a recent sharp deterioration of Azerbaijani-Iranian relations. Azerbaijan joined the Nonaligned Movement last year.