Press Review

“Hraparak” is impressed with the quality of Wednesday’s parliamentary debates on the new Armenian government’s five-year plan of actions. “If four or five of two dozen speeches are good -- to the point, relevant to the topic of discussions and intelligent -- that means we are dealing with a serious political platform,” writes the paper. “If things continue like this, then the government, the presidential staff, the judicial system will be forced to scramble and compete with the National Assembly in carrying out their functions. Imagine how many issues can be solved, how many people can benefit from a healthy parliament-government conflict.”

“Zhamanak” contends that the Prosperous Armenia Party (BHK) is “not a political force but largely a benevolent organization that hasn’t quite decided yet whether it wants to engage in politics.” “Prosperous Armenia is merely a political tool in Robert Kocharian’s and Serzh Sarkisian’s hands. Each of them is trying to use that tool as much as possible.” But, the paper says, both men have been quite careful in holding one another in check.

“Yerkir” says BHK deputies on Wednesday attacked the government’s four-year record “with such fervor that will be envied even by the most radical opposition.” “But at the same time the BHK refused to officially declare in the National Assembly that is in opposition,” notes the paper. What is more, it says, the BHK has retained one ministerial portfolio in the newly reshuffled government in the shape of Sports and Youth Affairs Minister Hrachya Rostomian. “Now people still cannot understand whether the BHK is in opposition or in government or is a government force with an opposition façade because its statements and practical steps contradict each other,” concludes “Yerkir.”

Naira Zohrbaian, a senior BHK lawmaker, tells “Hayots Ashkhar” that Gagik Tsarukian’s party will not reconsider its negative attitude towards the government program debated by the parliament. “There was nothing new in the prime minister’s answers [to deputies’ questions] today,” she says. “For me it was a series of boring lectures that we have heard on many occasions and I didn’t expect anything different from him … It was officially announced today that the government will continue the same policy and there is no confidence that this program will not remain on paper.”

(Aghasi Yenokian)