Press Review

“Zhamanak” predicts that a face-to-face meeting between President Serzh Sarkisian and opposition leader Levon Ter-Petrosian will eventually “become a necessity.” “A Ter-Petrosian-Sarkisian meeting is gradually becoming imperative, taking on the significance of an internal political indicator,” writes the pro-opposition daily. “The situation in Armenia requires unconventional solutions.”

“Chorrord Inknishkhanutyun” describes as “progress” government representatives’ statements that they are ready to discuss snap elections with Ter-Petrosian’s Armenian National Congress (HAK) despite remaining opposed to the idea. “Just a few weeks ago, they were ruling out the discussion of that topic,” says the opposition paper. “On the other hand, propaganda waged against the Congress has drastically intensified.” It accuses the authorities of spreading rumors that the HAK is engaged in secret negotiations with the ruling coalition “behind the people’s back.” The paper also criticizes coalition representatives for rejecting HAK demands that those negotiations be broadcast live by state television.

“Yerkir” claims that the government and the HAK are jointly opting for “stability leading to a further degradation” of the country. “This looks like a manipulation that rules out even theoretical possibilities of initiatives aimed at real changes,” writes the paper.

“Aravot” reports that Ter-Petrosian and other HAK figures told Axel Fischer, a Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) rapporteur on Armenia, this week that European structures should send many more observers for the next Armenian elections. Arman Grigorian, the HAK representative to the PACE, is quoted as saying that some opposition leaders at the same time said that such monitoring missions have become meaningless and even counterproductive because the Armenian authorities have learned how to dupe Western observers.

Parliament deputy Naira Zohrabian assures “Iravunk” that her Prosperous Armenia Party (BHK) never spoke out against the current format of the ongoing dialogue with the HAK, which seems to have been opposed by President Sarkisian and his aides until recently. She says the BHK always stood for “the formation of a new political culture” and a dialogue with “even the most radical opponents” of the country’s current political leadership.

(Aghasi Yenokian)