Press Review

“Hraparak” comments on President Serzh Sarkisian’s statements on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict that were made at the Council of Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) in Strasbourg on Wednesday. The paper singles out his remark that in the event of another Karabakh war Azerbaijan will have an “advantage” because it has always prepared its people for war, not peace. “This is certainly true and being in favor of telling the truth, we are happy that it was voiced by the country’s top official,” it says. “But why at the PACE and why now?” It says successive Armenian governments have “fed” the domestic public with very different statements on the balance of forces in the conflict.

“Zhamanak” pounces on Sarkisian’s remark that the basic principles of peace put forward by the mediators “is not a document the Armenian side has always dreamed about.” “Who authorized him to sign that document?” asks the pro-opposition daily. “The question is not whether it will be signed or whether the Armenian side is sure that Azerbaijan will reject it or whether the mediators will somehow scuttle the agreement because of disagreements among them. The problem lies elsewhere. Why is the government not accountable to the public in the process of resolving the Karabakh conflict?”

“168 Zham” says that the much-trumpeted dialogue between the government and the opposition Armenian National Congress (HAK) seems to be leading nowhere. “Everyone seems willing to engage in dialogue, makes statements about that but the process is handled in such a way that there is no progress,” writes the paper. “The Prosperous Armenia Party (BHK) is interested in this situation for now.” It speculates that the BHK may even set conditions for its participation in that dialogue and says former President Robert Kocharian may be behind this stance.

“It is evident that the society does not expect pre-term elections and finds it too premature to ascertain its political orientation,” Gevorg Poghosian, a pollster and the chairman of the Armenian Sociological Association, tells “Hayots Ashkhar.” “One can certainly predict that before the next parliamentary elections there will be events that could introduce serious changes in both the political situation and voters’ orientation and views.”

(Aghasi Yenokian)