Press Review

“Aravot” pays tribute to Armenians who took part in World Ward II and the 1991-1994 war in Nagorno-Karabakh. “Those people did not blindly believe in some ideas or leaders but were simply conscious that they must always love the homeland, even when it’s weak and poor, even when the homeland is cruel and unfair toward them,” editorializes the paper.

“The liberation of Shushi and victory in the Artsakh liberation struggle was the result of a united national spirit,” writes “Yerkir.” “The liberation of Sushi and the Lachin corridor, which established overland communication between Armenia and Artsakh, materialized that achievement. It demonstrated that only by relying on internal unity is it possible to do what seems impossible. However, the idea of unity was substantially depreciated and distorted later on.”

Gagik Jahangirian, a former deputy prosecutor-general affiliated with the opposition Armenian National Congress (HAK), tells “Zhamanak” that an objective investigation into the March 2008 violence is the most difficult of the opposition demands addressed to the government. “Because these authorities have done everything to cover up the March 1 case,” he says. Jahangirian says the HAK is not so naïve as to think that law-enforcement authorities started investigating those events in earnest immediately after President Serzh Sarkisian’s order. “This [order] means that the authorities lack the reserves to organize a new March 1,” he claims.

“Hayots Ashkhar” expresses serious concern about the post-Soviet destruction of forests and other green areas across Armenia, saying that the process has turned Yerevan into a “concrete-asphalt desert.” “There seems to be no end in sight for that self-destructive and senseless attitude,” writes the pro-establishment paper. “That the situation is really critical was demonstrated by Arab [desert] dust that reached Armenia several days ago. Experts are worried, doctors are ringing alarm bells to the effect that the number of people suffering from asthma and allergies is on the rise, while environmentalists point to the abundance of dust and a lack of trees. All these phenomena are, no doubt, interconnected.”

(Tigran Avetisian)