Press Review

Interviewed by “168 Zham,” Masis Mayilian, a prominent Nagorno-Karabakh politician, criticizes the mediating powers’ reaction to the latest ceasefire violations around Karabakh. He says the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe should have launched an investigation into one such incident that occurred in June.

“Chorrord Inknishkhanutyun” wonders why the OSCE Minsk Group plans to tour Armenian-controlled territories around Karabakh on a fact-finding mission next month. The paper is worried the visit will be a prelude to Armenian withdrawal from those territories. “Serzh Sarkisian is ready to give them away,” it claims. “Of course, on the condition that Azerbaijan accepts Karabakh’s right to self-determination. No such signs are visible yet.”

Hovannes Sahakian, a parliament deputy from the ruling Republican Party (HHK), tells “Hayots Ashkhar” that by banning opposition rallies in Liberty Square the Yerevan municipality actually plays into the opposition’s hands. “The radicals find a shortcoming and instead of eliminating it and helping to improve the people’s plight, cause a storm in a glass of water,” he says. “It means that the Armenian National Congress (HAK), which presents itself as the savior of the Armenian people, is not going to do anything for the people but is promising to create a paradise after coming to power … If the opposition knows the recipe for curing a disease then it must not keep it secret and must help to make sure that issues preoccupying the people are solved as soon as possible.”

Writing in “Hraparak,” human rights campaigner Vartan Harutiunian makes a case for “huge political changes” in Armenia. He says they can come about only as a result of fresh presidential and parliamentary elections meeting democratic standards.

“Aravot” carries an editorial on what it sees as a deepening gap between regular and “elite” schools in Armenia. The paper says the Armenian government bill on foreign-language schools will only aggravate the problem. Foreign-language schools will only “breed false elites,” rather than raise education standards in the country, it says.

“Haykakan Zhamanak” reports that President Serzh Sarkisian will inaugurate later this month a sugar plant built by businessman Samvel Aleksanian. The tycoon is quoted as saying that the plant already employs about 600 people. He implies that the launch of production operations there will not immediately reduce sugar prices in Armenia.

(Ruben Meloyan)