Press Review

“Hayots Ashkhar” says “Turkey’s persistent attempts to meddle into the Karabakh peace process keep not only Armenia but also the whole region in a tense situation.” The paper warns that even after suspending the ratification of its normalization agreements with Turkey, Armenia still has to deal with a “serious threat” that Ankara’s attempted interference in the Karabakh dispute poses.
“As a matter of fact, Turkey does not care whether the [normalization] protocols are suspended or not, and so it continues to create a misleading impression at the international arena that the Karabakh conflict is about to find a solution and that it will then open its border with Armenia. Such ideas do elicit response in certain circles in the West, generating new statements and the adoption of new resolutions aimed at ‘solving’ the problem,” the paper suggests.

“Haykakan Zhamanak” alleges growing differences between Prime Minister Tigran Sarkisian and the State Revenues Committee. The pro-opposition daily suggests that the premier is failing to give protection to his protégés in the committee.

The paper speculates: “It is clear that isolation of the premier’s team members has begun in the committee. Instead of dispersing his men throughout [the government] to have broader control, the premier has opted for concentrating them under one roof. His supporters are saying that he is not that naïve and is consolidating forces to pass on to a decisive counterblow. There is also a viewpoint that a large attack will soon be launched against the State Revenues Committee and that’s why the premier is beating a retreat to save his men from perishing under the ruins. But these statements, for some reason, do not seam credible.”

“Zhamanak” quotes Richard Giragosian, a political analyst and director of the Armenian Center for National and International Studies, as saying that President Serzh Sarkisian’s top rival today is his predecessor Robert Kocharian, and not the opposition leader, Levon Ter-Petrosian.

“For the first time in Armenia’s modern history the conflict is within the power itself and it is unclear who will prove the winner in the clash of the elites,” says Giragosian.

(Tigran Avetisian)