Press Review

“Zhamanak” says Armenia may be able to weaken international pressure exerted on it but it can not achieve “any strategic advantage over rival states … because that requires appropriate steps in the country’s domestic life.” In the same commentary, the pro-opposition paper condemns the Armenian parliament for discussing a bill on nightlife regulations and tougher measures against copyright piracy, rather than Turkish-Armenian relations.

“Chorrord Inknishkhanutyun” links the Turkish-Armenian dialogue with the renewed depreciation of the Armenian national currency, the dram, observed this year. The pro-opposition paper speculates that the Armenian authorities began strengthening the dram earlier this month after President Serzh Sarkisian announced that he has all but decided what to do next in the normalization process. “The exporting economy was again relegated to the sidelines because there was simply no place for exports,” it says. reports that two dozen members of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) have issued a statement condemning “any action that hampers the peaceful settlement of the Karabakh conflict.” “These 20 parliamentarians referred to the upcoming parliamentary elections in Nagorno-Karabakh,” explains the online paper. “And as a positive example, they cited Catholicos Garegin II’s visit to Baku. This statement was initiated by Azerbaijani members of the PACE.”

“Azg” reports that the American, French and Russian co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group will meet in Vienna on May 5 to discuss their next steps in the Karabakh peace process. The paper also says the group’s outgoing Russian co-chair, Yuri Merzlyakov, is expected to be appointed as Russia’s ambassador to Estonia.

(Aghasi Yenokian)