Press Review

(Saturday, January 30)

“Our country can not be a member of the Council of Europe, the OSCE or the European Union’s Neighborhood Policy program,” “Aravot” editorializes grimly. “Our authorities may wish to send those structures to hell, but that would elicit vary severe, including material, consequences.” The paper says all the Europeans can do in this situation is to find “justifying circumstances” and “pretend that you have learned the lesson.”

Interviewed by “Kapital,” Stepan Safarian, a leader of the opposition Zharangutyun party, says there are “unconfirmed reports” that the Armenian authorities have decided to drive parliament deputies affiliated with Zharangutyun out of Armenian parliamentary delegations in various international organizations. “Experience has shown that we are much more effective than all representatives of the authority taken together,” he says. Safarian again condemns the removal of Zharangutyun’s Zaruhi Postanjian from the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE).

“Chorrord Inknishkhanutyun” says any flurry of diplomatic activity in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict generates “extremely serious internal political upheavals” in Armenia, whereas “in Azerbaijan nobody cares much about all that.” “The reason for that is probably this: the Azerbaijani authorities always officially say what fully satisfies the domestic public. Namely, however the conflict is resolved Karabakh will remain a part of Azerbaijan,” says the opposition daily. It claims that Armenian leaders are far more vague in defining their expectations from the negotiating process.

“When you start listening to thoughts expressed by our politicians, you are struck by their insanity, ludicrousness and danger,” writes “Hraparak.” “Yesterday, for instance, one famous politician suggested that Armenia start producing nuclear weapons, ostensibly for the sake of the Armenian people’s security. We can’t even digest the existence of a couple of political prisoners. The nuclear plant is stuck in our throat -- the world is demanding its closure.”

“Stability in the region is maintained thanks to the strengthening of the Armenian armed forces and Nagorno-Karabakh’s Defense Army,” Karabakh Defense Minister Movses Hakobian is quoted by “Hayots Ashkhar” as telling journalists in Stepanakert. “The fact that we have been restraining Azerbaijan for the last 16 years is only to the army’s credit.”

(Aghasi Yenokian)