Press Review

In an interview with “Hayk,” Zhirayr Sefilian, a hard-line opposition activist, claims that foreign powers are not interested in the resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. “They are simply trying to use the Artsakh issue to the benefit of their interests in the region,” he says, adding that the mediators are only “imitating” a peace process.

Switching to domestic politics, Sefilian criticizes the cautious tactics of the opposition Armenian National Congress and its top leader, Levon Ter-Petrosian. “If the opposition continues this tactics there will be no snap elections,” he says. “But it is possible that Serzh Sarkisian will call fresh elections as part of his calculations. I’ve said on numerous occasions and remain of the opinion that since this regime shot at its own people on March 1 [2008] and removed the people from the square, I think that the opposition should return to the square and stay there until this regime goes. Unfortunately, this has not been the dominant opinion within the opposition leadership.”

“Haykakan Zhamanak” reports that Ter-Petrosian and his top aides will continue their visits to Armenian regions next week. “This time they will go to the town of Ijevan in the Tavush region,” the paper says, adding that they will meet there with the parents of Nikol Pashinian, its jailed editor-in-chief.

“Aravot” says that unlike in Soviet times, people in Armenia now complain about concrete rulers and authorities, rather than the government system as a whole because “there is no system as such.” The paper says it is therefore wrong to seek “systemic changes” in Armenia. “How can you change something that does not exist?” it says. “Therefore, what needs to be done in Armenia is to create, and not change, a system.”

Armen Melkonian, the Armenian ambassador to Egypt,” tells “Hraparak” that an open border with Turkey would give Armenia access to the Mediterranean basin and strengthen its commercial ties with the countries of the region. “Armenia needs to have that anchor in the Mediterranean,” says Melkonian. “After that the private sector of the economy and civic structures will establish and develop ties at their own initiative.”

(Tigran Avetisian)