Press Review

“Levon Ter-Petrosian and the HHSh are not even ready to assume the reigns of the state,” Razmik Zohrabian, deputy chairman of the governing Republican Party of Armenia (HHK), tells “Hayots Ashkhar.” “They do not want to assume such responsibility.” Zohrabian also claims that every vote cast for Ter-Petrosian will amount to an endorsement of Nagorno-Karabakh’s “surrender” to Azerbaijan.

According to “Chorrord Ishkhanutyun,” individuals accusing Ter-Petrosian of a Karabakh sellout are well aware that “they are saying a stupidity.” “Surely, such deliberate claims are not an end in itself and have concrete propaganda objectives,” comments the pro-Ter-Petrosian paper. “But the thing is that that stupidity is exposed once you ask the individual making such a claim a simple question: why would the first president want to sell Karabakh? What would he gain in return? And, come to think of it, we have not heard a clear answer from anyone.”

Suren Abrahamian, a senior member of the opposition Hanrapetutyun party, tells “Aravot” that the “consolidation of the public and political forces” around Ter-Petrosian’s presidential bid will gain new momentum in the second half of this month. “There is nothing the authorities can do about that,” he says. Abrahamian claims that President Robert Kocharian’s and Prime Minister Serzh Sarkisian’s counterattacks on the former president have backfired.

“Hayk” insists that Ter-Petrosian has been calling for the dismantling of Armenia’s existing government system, rather than the state as a whole. “One can presume that ardent defenders of the gangster state will never grasp that the gauntlet was thrown not at the state but the gangster state and its ringleaders,” says the paper controlled by Armenia’s former ruling party. It also attacks another opposition presidential candidate, Artur Baghdasarian, for disagreeing with Ter-Petrosian on this score, suggesting two explanations for the former parliament speaker’s less radical stance: “Either he supports softer evaluations [of the government] and will be less resolute in his fight against the authorities, or he, unfortunately, confuses the state with the gang leaders.”

“Zhamanak Yerevan” reports that Armenia will have a third mobile phone operator starting next January. “According to reliable information obtained by us, the third operator is Robert Kocharian’s son Sedrak Kocharian, who is known to love mobile phones a lot,” claims the paper. “In effect, from now on the Kocharian family will not only import handsets but also provide cellular connection.”

(Atom Markarian)