Press Review

“Our officials and their children are a monument of sorts to impunity, lawlessness and our indifference,” “Aravot” writes in a commentary on recent violent incidents reportedly involving government officials and members of their families. The paper believes that none of them will get deserved punishment for their deeds because “it is people like them who engineer the authorities’ victory in all kinds of elections.”

“Representatives of the current regime are becoming increasingly edgy and nervous ahead of the presidential elections,” writes “Hayk.” “Somehow, they are afraid of former Foreign Minister Aleksandr Arzumanian and have decided to isolate him from the society at least until the elections. They are afraid of free speech and are doing everything to make sure that newspapers’ circulation does not exceed 5,000. Robert Kocharian admitted years ago that even if the A1+ channel had not existed it would have been worth inventing it. At that time nobody would think that Kocharian would invent an independent TV company for the pleasure of closing it down. The new campaign against free speech testifies to the regime’s cowardice, rather than strength.”

“Our opinion polls show that 43.7 percent of voters hope that the situation in the country will improve after the [May parliamentary] elections,” Gevorg Poghosian of the Armenian Sociological Association tells “Hayots Ashkhar.” “Thirty-six percent are of the opinion that nothing will change, while 7.3 percent are undecided. It is noteworthy that only 12.6 percent are convinced that the situation will get worse. So in effect, people have a positive view about the election results.”

A leader of the opposition Armenian Pan-National Movement (HHSh), Aram Manukian, tells “Hayots Ashkhar” that the former ruling party will likely meet for a congress on September 21 to discuss its participation in the presidential election. The HHSh, he says, will “ascertain our chances, our attitude and requirements to ourselves and our candidate.” “I think that the HHSh congress will be followed by stormy and drastic political processes,” he says. “But not because we will be taking some sensational steps. Everything will be the result of natural developments.”

(Armen Dulian)