Press Review

“Aravot” makes a prediction ahead of the upcoming meeting of the presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan: “This, indeed, will be the last meeting not only this year, but also for the next two years, as neither party will feel like even imitating a negotiating process, like they are doing now, during the expected elections in Armenia and Azerbaijan.”

Writing that “democracy is equally necessary for the authorities and the opposition”, “Hayots Ashkhar” editorializes: “Both the authorities and the opposition must do everything possible through joint efforts for the country to becoming more corresponding to modern standards of democracy. And gloating over Armenia’s being in the 110th place among 167 nations by the level of its democracy is a nonsense and inappropriate here. Furthermore, it can only arouse a sense of contempt.”

“Iravunk” outlines possible political behavior of the authorities in the near future and writes: “The regime is likely to try to create an illusion at some point that threats have emerged in the Karabakh direction in order to distract public attention from all domestic problems.” The paper adds with irony that “if necessary several more shots will be fired on the borders.” However, according to “Iravunk”, “this option of distracting the population from opposition sentiments is like playing with fire.”

“Chorrord Ishkhanutyun” presents the origin of the “Civil Disobedience” initiative as its sees it: “Every time [President Robert] Kocharian has a bad spell and a danger emerges that people will take to the streets, Ashot Manucharian shows up from obscurity and concocts some exotic “format”. As a result, the opposition fails to unite… Then, of course, Manucharian goes into deep underground, but as soon as the authorities’ state becomes worse he emerges again.”

Under the headline “Deutschebank Robbed and Used Genocide Victims”, “Azg” writes that “the latest estimations show that Armenians who lived in Ottoman Turkey had more than $20 million at the German company. Deutschebank never gave that money to the heirs of genocide victims. Moreover, in 1915-1917 the bank subjected Armenians to slave labor, using them as labor force working in severe conditions at the construction of the Berlin-Baghdad railway that belonged to the bank. Those laborers later were exterminated in the deserts of Syria.” The paper adds that currently the institution of a case to bring Deutschebank to trial is in process.”

“Who has more academicians as members? Is it Prosperous Armenia plus the Karabakh clan or the Republicans?” “This problem is now being solved on the threshold of elections of corresponding members of the National Academy of Sciences,” “Haykakan Zhamanak” writes. “Pre-election “charities” have already begun at the academy, of course not in the form of potato. They are fighting for every vote, apply all pre-election technologies, and this way the academy is now going to award its perhaps highest scientific title,” the paper observes.

(Atom Markarian)