Press Review

Reviewing the Karabakh issue in the context of the European Union’s new neighborhood policy, “Hayots Ashkhar” comments: “Taken separately the European Union cannot solve the Karabakh problem, but it can ensure a positive atmosphere for its peaceful and democratic solution, which must be supported and defended with all possible means.”

In the paper’s view: “In conditions of the factual existence of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic and its continuing democratization the oil and gas bribes of Azerbaijan offered to the EU theoretically, of course, can become effective means for softening the position of Armenia, but not Nagorno-Karabakh, by means of the European Union, because Nagorno-Karabakh faces not the problem of political trade, but it is struggling to preserve its physical existence.”

Outlining the prospect of the Karabakh negotiations process, “Zhamanak-Yerevan” emphasizes: “The presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan, Robert Kocharian and Ilham Aliev, will agree with great pleasure for another rendezvous imitation in 2006. After all, if they managed to fail Rambouillet and Bucharest, what problems do they have in meeting under the CIS aegis, talking for a couple of hours, stating that some serious discussion took place and then returning and saying: no concession?”

Ex-premier Hrant Bagratian tells “168 Zham”: “Azerbaijan’s tough position gives Armenia a respite, but drives the possible long-term peaceful solution to a deadlock, and we start to resemble a group of people going through a tunnel and seeing no light at the end of it.”

“Haykakan Zhamanak” writes: “The Galust Sahakian wing of the Republican Party’s parliamentary faction was angered by Parliament Speaker Tigran Torosian’s decision to annul the results of the vote of the bill on the alienation of real estate for state and public needs. Despite the fact that the bill was passed in the second reading on Wednesday, according to the paper, Galust Sahakian is still going to get explanations from Torosian.”

The “Hayk” newspaper writes that “in the near future the National Assembly will have to satisfy or reject another petition by Prosecutor-General Aghvan Hovsepian to bring another member of parliament to criminal responsibility.” According to the paper, however, “it is now not known whom the authorities will pick for that, but it is said that what will happen fits well into the logic of the election campaign that officially yet has to kick off.”

(Atom Markarian)