Press Review

(Saturday, June 19)

In an interview with “168 Zham,” a retired prominent Armenian pilot, Dmitry Atbashian, challenges the findings of the Russian investigation into the crash of an Armenian passenger jet off the Russian Black Seat cost. According to reports in the Russian press, the investigation will conclude that the Airbus A-320 plunged into sea because of a pilot error. Atbashian says he is convinced that the plane’s captain, Grigor Grigorian, was not responsible for the accident. “I don’t accept this theory,” he says. “I insist on the theory which I have presented before: the aircraft fell down in an uncontrolled state. That is, the pilots did not control the aircraft before the fall.”

“Why did the plane crash?” continues Atbashian. “Because it lost speed. The possible reason for that is that the plane may have entered dangerous air currents.” He describes Grigorian as a “real professional.”

“What is happening in Armenia is not the dollar’s depreciation but the dram’s appreciation,” writes “Hayots Ashkhar.” “There may only be one reason for that. The amount of drams [in circulation] does not correspondent to demand. It is unclear why when the dram appreciated in May consumer good prices went up at an even higher rate. The rise in prices has been particularly evident in the food market.” Nor has the stronger dram reduced the price of imported goods, notably sugar. This, according to the paper, makes nonsense of the Armenian authorities’ assurances that the strong dram is suppressing inflation.

“Azg” carries an interview with Azerbaijani psychologist Azad Isazade. He agrees with the paper’s suggestion that one of the reasons why Azerbaijan has still not gotten back its occupied territories is that there are quite a few veterans of the Karabakh war in Armenia’s leadership. “I can understand that they won in the Karabakh war and aspire to power,” says Isazade. “But the tragedy of today’s Azerbaijan is that the country is governed not by those who lost the war but those who did not participate in it for various reasons. And this is a terribly negative example for the younger generation which see just how deplorable is the plight of those who had for the homeland and how successfully are those who had not. This is one of the factors of apathy in our society.”

(Armen Dulian)