Red Cross Repatriates Armenian Woman From Azerbaijan

An Armenian woman who accidentally crossed into Azerbaijan two weeks ago was allowed to return home Thursday in a specially arranged repatriation, the international Red Cross said.

The International Committee of the Red Cross, which has been overseeing such repatriations between the two former Soviet republics for more than a decade, said the unidentified woman had strayed across the border at the beginning of December.

The repatriation took place on the road between Gazakh, Azerbaijan, and Ijevan, Armenia, an ICRC statement said. The agency said the return brings to 654 the number of people it has repatriated between the countries.

Tension between Armenia and Azerbaijan remains high despite a 1994 cease-fire that ended a war over Nagorno-Karabakh, which is populated mostly by ethnic Armenians but located within Azerbaijan. The enclave has been under Armenian control since the cease-fire.