Press Review

“Haykakan Zhamanak” reports that Poland’s parliament unanimously adopted a resolution on Tuesday recognizing the Armenian genocide. The paper says its members also observed a minute of silence in memory of the genocide victims. They also called on of other countries that have not recognized the genocide to follow suit.

“Azg” reports that a similar call has been made by the leadership of the World Council of Churches. It urged its member churches to hold special religious services during the April 24 commemoration of the 90th anniversary of the genocide.

“Hayots Ashkhar” comments on Turkish allegations that more than half a million Ottoman Turks were massacred by Armenians at the beginning of the 20th century. “It is obvious that this absolute lie is aimed at not only creating an illusion of Turkish-Armenian dialogue on painful problems of the past but turning the fact of the Armenian Genocide into an accounting of those killed on both sides.” The paper says Ankara’s proposal to set up a Turkish-Armenian commission of historians is therefore a ploy designed to scuttle genocide recognition and must be rejected by the Armenian side.

“Haykakan Zhamanak” claims that Russia and France are pursuing the same objectives in Armenia as opposed to the United States which is “on the other side of the barricades.” The paper says parliament speaker Artur Baghdasarian’s visit to Moscow is “the first serious step toward setting up a Russian-French alliance in Armenia.” “These two powers need to join their efforts to counter the impending U.S. hegemony over Armenia,” it speculates, adding that Moscow and Paris are banking on an alliance between Baghdasarian and Russian-linked opposition politician Aram Karapetian.

As for the Americans, continues “Haykakan Zhamanak,” “they seem to have finally realized that Baghdasarian is not the kind of person they need.” Still, “they keep him under control so that he doesn’t scuttle their plans at the decisive moment.” “But regardless of this, the United States has not yet made a final choice. Of course, there are political figures who have already made a bid to cooperate with them: Aram Sarkisian, Artashes Geghamian and Serzh Sarkisian.”

(Armen Zakarian)