Press Review

“Golos Armenii” says Armenia’s political class has failed to learn lessons from past mistakes and has been making new ones. The root cause of this, according to the paper is that, despite being overwhelmingly clever and prudent, Armenians tend to elect “unworthy” and “ignorant” persons.

“Isn’t it about time the National Assembly passed a law about the code of conduct of government officials and their family members?” asks “Hayots Ashkhar.” “Now that noise-provoking incidents, which are often provoked by the offspring of high-ranking state officials, become more and more frequent the drawing up of such a moral code is really necessary.” The paper points to last week’s café shootout in central Yerevan. An “elite rampage” like that can not fail to cause public outrage, it says. Ordinary people were already fed up with the extravagant life style of the great majority of senior officials. “This ‘evolution’ increasingly deepens public distrust of the authorities.”

The appointment of Aghvan Hovsepian as Armenia’s prosecutor-general is construed by “Haykakan Zhamanak” as “a de-jure confirmation of a de-facto reality.” “Even before this it was clear that Aram Tamazian is a ceremonial figure, while the real prosecutor-general is Aghvan Hovsepian,” the paper says.

Reporting on Bulgarian Foreign Minister’s Wednesday talks in Yerevan, “Azg” claims that Yerevan’s drive to include the Karabakh Armenians in the peace process finds growing support in Europe. The paper notes that the Karabakh leadership has grown frustrated with international mediators’ emphasis on direct talks between the presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan which turns the issue into an ordinary territorial dispute.

“Aravot” quotes Russian experts as saying that rosy macroeconomic data posted by members of the Commonwealth of Independent States must not be taken at face value. The paper says the warning is particularly applicable to a country like Armenia where “corruption and poverty are thriving, reforms have a cosmetic character, and any criticism is described as high treason.”

(Vache Sarkisian)