Press Review

“Orran” writes that by reading recent weeks’ press coverage of the political situation in Armenia one gets the impression that “we are on the verge of a big calamity.” There are growing confidential contacts and new rifts among various groups of local politicians. All this is aimed at securing the Armenian presidency is next February’s elections through “deluding and misleading the people.” The paper calls this a “deadly blow to the heart and the back of democracy” and adds that Armenians do not need political advertising as they are already well aware of their elite.

According to “Orran,” the political camp that will put aside internal differences “at least temporarily” will achieve the electoral victory. The paper notes in this regard that the majority of opposition forces have already overcome the psychological barrier that has kept them from cooperating with former president Levon Ter-Petrosian and his allies.

“Hayastani Hanrapetutyun” dismisses as a “fairy tale” the results of an anonymous opinion poll published by “Haykakan Zhamanak” on Friday. According to them, Robert Kocharian is trailing Ter-Petrosian and two other opposition politicians in the approval ratings. The government-controlled daily argues that the poll is not credible because it was conducted by one of the opposition parties keen to oust Kocharian.

“Hayots Ashkhar” says Ter-Petrosian and his allies realize that there is no way they can win the elections. Their strategy is to heighten political tensions and discredit the current authorities with the ultimate aim of paving the way for their return to power.

“Haykakan Zhamanak” reports that a formal declaration announcing the creation of a Communist-led left-wing alliance is held up by “purely technical issues.” The party leaders are quarrelling over the sequence of their names in the future electoral lists. Their excessive ambitions may make the problem “intractable.”

“Haykakan Zhamanak” also deplores the appointment of Hovannes Asrian as chairman of the presidential commission on human rights. “Asrian is one of those contemporary human rights defenders whose being a human rights defender is itself a bewildering fact,” the paper says. “First of all, he is a member of Dashnaktsutyun. Besides, he worked for the KGB in the Soviet times.”

(Vache Sarkisian)