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Press Review

“Aravot” believes that President Serzh Sarkisian committed a blunder when he failed to invite journalists from several opposition publications to his Monday news conference. “If Serzh Sarkisian is really the president of all citizens of Armenia, then those citizens include the thousands of readers of those newspapers who have the right to get first-hand information about statements made by the head of state and to receive answers to the questions asked by journalists from those newspapers,” says the paper.

“Azg” urges Sarkisian to “take away some sectors of the economy from oligarchs,” stop “negative geopolitical developments,” “find ways of continuing economic development,” and “fight back a possible offensive by political forces in the autumn.” “The past 100 days have demonstrated that as a leader and work organizer, the president is open-minded, friendly, peace-loving, law-abiding and straightforward,” says the paper. “He talks to the people in a simple and understandable language. The world views Serzh Sarkisian as a stable, predictable, experienced and intelligent figure.”

“Serzh Sarkisian has no right to negotiate with the president of Turkey on our behalf because he does not represent us,” pro-opposition poetess Marine Petrosian writes in “Haykakan Zhamanak.” “He does not represent a victorious Armenia. The war in Karabakh was a fight for freedom and justice. When we say ‘struggle till the end’ we mean that we must have the fruits of our victory: a free and just Armenia. Only in that case will we be strong. But those who fought for this and Karabakh are in Armenian prisons.”

“All over the country there are shops full of goods and decent hotels, new and comfortable houses are under construction, people ride in the best cars,” writes “Hayots Ashkhar.” “Today’s Armenia is an archipelago of islands of a more or less decent life in an ocean of problems. But there are possibilities of expanding that archipelago and eventually turning it into a continent and they can be realized.”

(Hrach Melkumian)