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Russia Restores Gas Supplies To Armenia

By Astghik Bedevian
Supplies of Russian natural gas to Armenia and Georgia unexpectedly resumed early on Tuesday, according to the Armenian national gas distribution company.

The ArmRosGazprom (ARG) operator announced on Monday that they have been suspended for six days due to repairs carried out on the main Russian pipeline pumping gas into the two South Caucasus states.

An ARG spokeswoman told RFE/RL that Armenia began receiving Russian gas earlier than expected because Russia’s Gazprom conglomerate found a way of resuming the deliveries parallel to the ongoing pipeline repairs.

Their declared suspension on Monday coincided with a cut-off in gas supplies to many parts of Yerevan and areas outside it. ARG denied any connection between these disruptions and pledged to restore supplies to local households by Thursday.

(Photolur photo)